Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Some of my pencil sketches for people who are interested

Some of my pencil sketches I would like to share with the world. I am thinking for game development in flash. I have developed many games in flash and thinking of going pro with game development.

For game development, the resources can be good artists and animators. Especially the game programmers pay an important role to complete all the functionalities and events from keyboard and mouse inputs.

I would like to show you some flash games which I developed. See some flash games here

Now a days game development is the best in world for making a good career. Game developers earn much more than a senior developer in a reputed software company.

Once you create 10 games in flash then you will become popular with the game scripting and you can make awesome games. Once you develop good games then you can sell them on many game portals.

This is the starting of my career in game development.

Coming soon more...>>>

I would like to appreciate your comments. Post comments and requirements that you have in any kind of design.

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